Devotionals Written by Beth
Work for the Wow
Maybe, just maybe, the problem was not that the disciples couldn’t see a solution to this problem….maybe the problem is that the disciples COULD see the solution, and remembered the amount of work it required of them to see the miracle.
They had been with Jesus
Before we check our text messages or our emails, before we throw that first load into the washing machine, before we even grab that cup of coffee or climb out of bed, let’s take a minute to fall to our knees and talk to Jesus.
We All Need People
God has called us to live victorious, but it’s not going to be easy, and we can’t do it alone.
The Hero is Not Me
It’s not most important that Peter walked on the water to Jesus. What’s not important is who got out the boat, but what is important is who got in it with them.
Thirsty for Him
Are you chasing Jesus like your life depends on it? Are you desperate for time spent at the feet of your Savior? Are you looking for extra ways to spend your time with Him?
What do you Reflect?
Remember that no matter how dark your circumstances seem, how busy life is, or how lonely you may feel, His light is constant and unchanging and most importantly, His light brings LIFE.
He picked Me
There is a great God that loves you more than anyone on this earth ever could…and He loved you first. He chose you; He picked you, and His great love for you, changes everything.
Lean in Close
I’ve heard it said before that God loves me too much to answer my prayers at any time but the right time. Maybe we all need to stop to remember that His timing is best while we lean into His great love for us.
A Special Bead
That little bead made a forever impact on my little Will, and has made a lasting impression on me, too.
Completely Calm
The disciples would have never known all that Jesus was capable of if they would not have followed Him completely, and first gotten into the boat.
Manna Everyday
God never intended for us to shop at Sam’s Club or Costco when searching through His word. He knew that in following Him, it would require us to make a decision every day, every morning, to seek Him, and to trust Him.
“As you trust in Him”
Sometimes God wants to teach us through our circumstances, rather than simply delivering us from them.
“When Faith takes a Journey, it packs a Tambourine.”
When our eyes are directed toward Jesus and the power He has to conquer all, the faith journey we’re walking doesn’t seem near as scary.
Plans Change. God does not.
Everything was going to be different than I had imagined or planned, but God was still the loving God that I had always believed I could lean on. He had not forgotten me. He was not surprised by the ultrasound tech’s announcement, and even now He could still be trusted.