He picked Me

I was never a fan of Valentine’s Day growing up.  Each time February would roll around, I would dream of some boy bringing me roses, or surprising me with an adventurous date, but by the time February 14th came and went, I would find myself sad, disappointed and discouraged, wondering if anyone would ever choose me.


I’ll never forget Valentine’s Day, 2003.  There was a really cute boy that I had a serious crush on, and although we weren’t officially ‘dating’ yet, we spent quite a bit of time together.  All of my roommates were convinced he was going to wow me with some amazing date, so all day long I eagerly anticipated his phone call or surprise arrival at my dorm room.  Well, the day came…and went.  Finally, around dinner time, my best friend could see my disappointment that this boy never even called, and she grabbed my hand and insisted we walk to have a fancy dinner ourselves.  Reluctantly, I walked with her to the nearest nice restaurant, and together we drowned our sorrows over a slice of cheesecake and cup of coffee. After dinner, as we were walking back to our college campus, I can still remember telling her that I just wanted a boy to choose me, first.  I was so tired of being overlooked and passed over, and just wanted a boy to think I was worthwhile enough to want to do something special for. I didn’t need a movie-perfect, romantic comedy kind of love-story, just someone who would notice me, and pick me.  That’s when we both just about stopped in our tracks.  My friend and I looked at one another and tears welled up in both of our eyes.  We already HAD a boy who chose us first. A boy who literally gave His life for us. A boy who stopped everything to rescue us.  Although we would have liked to have a boy with ‘skin on’, the truth was that we already had a boy who would love us far more than anyone here on earth ever could. As we continued to walk home, our conversation became full of the incredible love HE has for us, and how HIS love would never let us down.  He loved us before we even understood what love was; He already choose us, and His love would fuel us to love others when we didn’t have the strength to love.  His love would satisfy us, protecting and guarding our hearts from all the disappointment this world may bring.  His love is and always would be enough, and it was time I started living like it.


I think that’s what makes our focus verse for the month so powerful.  “We love because he first loved us.”  He loves us so much that when we embrace and accept His love for us we can’t help but to splash his love all around the world around us.  God’s love oozes out of us because His love is greater and better than any love we experience anywhere else. His love is ENOUGH.


February can be a really fun month, or a really tough month depending on where you find yourself.  Maybe your spouse isn’t fulfilling your dreams at the moment, or maybe you find yourself wishing for a love story that just hasn’t happened.  Perhaps you were in love and have had to say goodbye and learn to live without him, or maybe you find yourself madly in love with the man of your dreams. Whatever your love story is, whether you have a cute boy that brings you flowers, or a day where you hope for something that never comes, just remember: There is a great God that loves you more than anyone on this earth ever could…and He loved you first.  He chose you; He picked you, and His great love for you, changes everything.


What do you Reflect?


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